Portuguese riot police officers face English soccer fans at the Rossio square in central Lisbon, Portugal, late Saturday, June 12, 2004. England will play France in a Group B 2004 European soccer championship match at the stadium on Sunday. (AP Photo/Markus Schreiber)

Sat Jun 12, 9:55 PM ET


Portuguese riot police officers face English soccer fans at the Rossio square in central
Lisbon , Portugal , late Saturday, June 12, 2004 . England will play France in a Group B 2004 European soccer championship match at the stadium on Sunday. (AP Photo/Markus Schreiber)


Euro 2004: près de 50 supporteurs arrêtés à travers l'Angleterre

Mon June 14, 2004 6:57 PM CEST

LONDRES (Reuters) - Au moins 49 supporteurs anglais, déçus par la défaite 2-1 de leur équipe nationale face à la France , ont été arrêtés dimanche soir à travers l'Angleterre après des échauffourées avec les forces de l'ordre, a déclaré la police.

"On a probablement eu affaire à une combinaison alcool, chaleur et déception par rapport (...) au match de l'Angleterre (...) puisque les émeutes ont commencé juste après la fin de la rencontre", a déclaré le porte-parole de la police du Lincolnshire Dick Holmes.

A Croydon, une banlieue sud de Londres, quelque 400 supporters ont jeté des projectiles sur la police et deux policiers ont été blessés. Des véhicules de police et un tramway ont été endommagés et 14 personnes ont été interpellées.

Le calme a été rétabli après une heure d'échauffourées.

A Birmingham, dans le centre de l'Angleterre, 12 arrestations ont eu lieu alors que 200 personnes manifestaient violemment dans le centre ville. Un bus a été endommagé.

A Boston, dans l'est de l'Angleterre, deux voitures de police ont été retournées et incendiées.


Des scènes similaires se sont produites dans plusieurs villes dès le coup de sifflet final d'une partie remportée dans les ultimes minutes par l'équipe de France alors que l'Angleterre menait encore 1-0 à l'entame du temps additionnel.

La nuit a été plus calme à Lisbonne, où se déroulait le match, même si un supporteur anglais a été arrêté après avoir été jugé coupable d'une agression sur deux supporteurs français, ont indiqué lundi les autorités portugaises.

Il a été condamné à un an de prison avec sursis et trois ans de mise à l'épreuve ainsi qu'à une amende de 1.200 euros et il a été renvoyé à la frontière.

Deux autres supporteurs anglais ont été arrêtés au Portugal, l'un pour avoir frappé un employé du stade de la Luz de Lisbonne, l'autre pour dégradation de biens en Algarve.

Les autorités portugaises ont également refoulé deux supporteurs anglais qui essayaient d'entrer au Portugal par la ville de Faro, a indiqué un porte-parole du service de l'immigration.,8668,9833254-23210,00.html

Fox Sports

Police arrest English fans
From correspondents in Lisbon
June 13, 2004

PORTUGUESE police clashed with English fans at a square in central
Lisbon overnight.

Witnesses said four
England fans were taken away by police after scuffles broke out.

The fans gathered around the Rossio square in a downtown area of the Portuguese capital.

Police moved in when the fans spilled onto the street and stopped traffic, Associated Press Television News footage showed.

Riot police quickly moved in to calm the situation and a series of arrests were made and security forces remained at the scene to ensure the road stayed clear.

Later there were clashes between English fans and members of a Portuguese marching band who had been taking part in the city's festivities for St. Anthony's Day, Lisbon 's patron saint.

Local people said the trouble started when a bus carrying members of the band passed near the English. The Portuguese alleged the English threw a gas canister onto the bus, which also was carrying children.

The band got off the bus and started throwing bottles and anything else that came to hand at the English.

The Associated Press

83 held as England fans riot

Jun 14 2004

A total of 83 arrests were made across the country as angry fans went on the rampage after England 's dramatic Euro 2004 loss to France .

Police officers were attacked with bricks and bottles as a surge of violence erupted following French captain Zinedine Zidane's late double strike.

Serious disturbances broke out in Croydon, south London , a number of towns in Hertfordshire, Wakefield in West Yorkshire and Boston in Lincolnshire .

Up to 400 people were involved in disturbances in Croydon town centre as 12 people were arrested.

Missiles, including bottles, were thrown at police as several police vehicles were damaged, said a Scotland Yard spokesman said.

The bout of "serious public disorder" lasted for an hour between 10.15pm and 11.15pm last night, police added.

Ambulance crews attended several locations in the town centre but it is understood there were no major injuries. Two police officers attended hospital with minor injuries.

Those arrested are all in custody at a South London police station.

Superintendent Nick Jupp, of Croydon Police, condemned last night's post-match violence.

Twelve people were arrested in Birmingham after more than 200 people ran amok through the streets of the city centre after last night's match. One man was taken to hospital with minor injuries.

This is LONDON
14/06/04 - News and city section

400 thugs in riot
By Lech Mintowt-czyz In London And Chris Millar In Lisbon, Evening Standard

A gang of 400 thugs fought running battles with police after England 's defeat by France .

Trouble flared as yobs fuelled by a day's drinking spilled out of pubs in Croydon.

Police officers were the target of volleys of bottles and glasses in what was described as a full-scale riot. Hooligans surrounded a tram in the town centre and smashed windows as passengers cowered inside.

Other flashpoints saw Hertfordshire police draft in extra officers to deal with about 150 drunken fans in Cheshunt . About 40 fans in Liverpool were involved in violence and officers were attacked in Wakefield and Boston in Lincolnshire . About 50 people were involved in a brawl in Cambridge .

More than 200 youths went on the rampage in Birmingham after watching the match on a big screen in the city's Centenary Square. Police were forced to close parts of Broad Street .

A West Midlands police spokesman said 12 people were arrested. The trouble across the country, with 85 arrests in total, came despite England fans in Lisbon behaving themselves.

A spokesman for the Met said: "Maybe the campaign to keep the worst elements away from Portugal has seen them stuck here but still determined to cause trouble. It was a shameful display."

Superintendent Nick Judd in Croydon said: "We deplore the level of violence we have seen. It is totally unacceptable for police officers to be injured as a result of a small minority reacting to a football result."

Witnesses spoke of their horror at the scale of violence. "It was a riot. A full-scale riot," said one. "It was extraordinary. All of the fans piled out of the pubs after the defeat and filled up the road.

"Suddenly out of nowhere the mood just turned nasty and bottles and glasses started getting thrown.

"There were people as far as I could see, up and down the street getting very agitated and angry and then a tram turned up and all the fans piled on to it and started trying to trash it. It was pandemonium."

Fans riot after England defeat

Jun 14 2004

By Helen Gabriel, The Birmingham Post

Police in riot gear fought running battles with hooligans in the centre of Birmingham last night after England 's last-minute defeat to the French in the European Championships.

Thousands of fans had flocked to Centenary Square to watch the crucial first round match which England had looked like winning after a first half goal from Frank Lampard.

However, violence erupted on the final whistle following two late goals from Zinedine Zidane when a hardcore 200 fans began throwing missiles at the screen that had been erected in the square for t h e championships.

More than 40 riot officers and police dog handlers were then called in after two officers patrolling the square were attacked and knocked to the ground by a group of around 20 hooligans.

One eyewitness, Shaun Fellows, said: "They just went wild when we lost.

"They turned on the TV screen as soon as the final whistle went, and started throwing bottles at the screen, which smashed up the screen.

"Soon people were throwing anything around. Food, beer bottles, shoes anything they could get their hands on.

"There were loads of kids in the front watching the match, they were terrified, as their parents tried to get them away.

"It was mayhem. They turned on the policemen, one had his helmet knocked off and they used it as a football in the middle of Broad Street .

"The other policeman, was hit on the back of the head and knocked to the ground, the last I saw was about twenty youths running over and he disappeared underneath them all."

Martin O'Brien, who was selling England merchandise from a stall in Centenary Square, said: "There was a lot of bottle throwing and they were even throwing bottles at my stall." As the enraged fans stormed down Broad Street , they threw bottles at the windows of the pubs and clubs, jumping on the top of cars as they drove out of the city's prestigious ICC district.

Another eye witness in the Walkabout Bar opposite Centenary Square said: "The motorists driving down Broad

Street were trying to get away, but there were hundreds of fans chasing after them, and jumping on top of the cars. "One car, a red VW Golf with a family in it including kids, was surrounded by twenty or so supporters.

"They were trying to rock the car and turn it over, the kids were screaming in terror. Two police went over to try to help, one a policewoman, in her early twenties and the other a policemen a bit older.

"When they arrived they managed to turn the car round, but later on I saw the crowd attack them. When the riot police eventually arrived, they stormed down Broad Street in their riot gear and surrounded them just outside. There was about 150 hardcore out there spoiling for a fight."

A West Midlands Police spokesperson said: "Trouble started when two police were set upon by the crowd. We quickly drafted in support to contain the trouble makers."

Twelve people have been arrested and one man was taken to hospital, he added.


By Mark Lavery and Tony Gardner
ENGLAND 's dramatic Euro 2004 defeat sparked a fans' rampage in West Yorkshire .

Police and pub door staff were pelted with bottles on Westgate, Wakefield , as officers in riot gear battled to control an angry mob of several hundred people.
Bars closed down and police made 14 arrests for public order offences.
It is believed the trouble was sparked when an
England fan smashed a TV screen with a bar stool at a Westgate pub.
The police helicopter hovered as the police reserve unit – drafted in as West Yorkshire Police's Euro 2004 contingency plan – restored order.
Mex Bar, off Westgate, closed just before
10pm as trouble flared at the end of England 's last-minute 2-1 defeat by France . Owner Stuart Woodward, vice chairman of Wakefield Licensees Association, said: "We are hoping this was a unique situation that won't happen again. I will be having a meeting with our members to see if there's anything that we can recommend for the next match."
Rob Lawton, licensee on Pitcher's Sports Bar on Westgate, said: "I have never seen so many police in
Wakefield before. They were very quick to jump in.
"The atmosphere here was very good natured for most of the evening. Things began to sour outside soon after
France scored the second goal.
"The problems probably started because a lot of people had been out all day combined with the result of the match."
A spokesman for West Yorkshire Police, said: "Local licensees and door staff and the majority of law-abiding members of the public assisted police in their efforts to clear the city centre.
"An investigation has started. Evidence from local authority CCTV systems will be viewed."
No major disturbances were reported in
Portugal but 85 arrests were made in England . Police were attacked with bricks and bottles in serious disturbances in Croydon, south London , a number of towns in Hertfordshire, and Boston in Lincolnshire .

14 June 2004

Police charge rioting England fans

Jun 15 2004

Portuguese mounted police have charged rioting English fans after trouble erupted on the Algarve .

Ten Britons were arrested for public order offences after the fans, who had been drinking heavily, began throwing bottles outside a bar in Albufeira.

Initial attempts to calm the situation failed and police in riot gear were deployed to break up the crowd.

Several fans were handcuffed and marched away from the scene. The street outside the La Bamba bar was strewn with bottles and broken glass.

It was the first serious incident involving English fans in Portugal since the Euro 2004 tournament began at the weekend.

The trouble erupted just hours after England fans were praised by local police as an example to other nations.

Portuguese national police spokesman Alexandre Coimbra said not a single England supporter was arrested in Lisbon after coach Sven Goran Eriksson's team lost its opening game to tournament favourites France on Sunday night.

In contrast, hooligans went on the rampage across the UK following the 2-1 defeat.

Dozens of people were arrested and police came under attack with bricks and bottles and patrol cars were set alight as serious disturbances broke out in town centres as far apart as Croydon, south London , and Wakefield , West Yorkshire .

The latest trouble was in the south of Portugal where thousands of English fans are staying in tourist accommodation during the tournament.

Affrontements entre supporters anglais et policiers dans le sud du Portugal

LISBONNE (AP) - Des fans anglais se sont frottés aux policiers dans le sud du Portugal dans la nuit de lundi à mardi. Une demi-douzaine de supporters ont été blessés et plusieurs d'entre eux ont été appréhendés.
Il était peu après minuit quand les policiers anti-émeutes ont investi un secteur de bars et de cafés d'Albufeira, une station balnéaire située à 200km au sud de Lisbonne après qu'un groupe de supporters a tenté d'empêcher la circulation en bloquant la rue, rapporte l'Associated Press Television News (APTN).
Selon les images d'APTN, quelque 200 supporters anglais ont jeté des verres, des bouteilles et des chaises de bar sur les policiers. Policiers à cheval et policiers anti-émeutes ont chargé la foule pour la disperser.
Au moins trois fans ont été interpellés et on a pu voir une demi-douzaine d'ambulances sur les lieux pour prendre en charge les blessés.
La police a bouclé plusieurs rues du périmètre situé dans le centre-ville, organisant des patrouilles avec chiens. AP

© AP - The Associated Press. Tous droits réservés.

Lincolnshire Echo, 04-06-15


10:30 - 15 June 2004

Violence which erupted after a football match has been blamed on thuggery, alcohol and racial tensions. Shopkeepers in Boston are still picking up the pieces after riots rocked the town after the England lost to France in their Euro 2004 game on Sunday. Labour group leader of Boston Borough Council, Sandra Bakewell, was called from the European election ballot count on Sunday night as her constituency erupted into a riot zone. She has blamed the vandalism of 20 shops, an arson attack and the destruction of two police cars on excessive alcohol and a growing problem of racism in the town. Between 60 and 70 people were involved in the rampage that started at 9.40pm . As drinkers poured out of The Still pub in Boston Market Place they threw bottles and bricks at police officers and then tipped over two squad cars before setting them on fire. They then moved down South Street and into Church Street , smashing windows in shops before looting and setting fire to a Thresher off-licence. Eleven men were arrested on the night. Five were still in custody today with the other six released on bail. Coun Bakewell said that as she walked out of the Assembly Rooms in the market place, she saw a horrific scene. "It was absolutely terrifying," she said. "They were shouting horrible racist chants which I believe were aimed at fast food outlets on the other side of the river - which are generally run by foreign nationals." Police were attempting to stop the gang crossing from the bridge over the River Witham. In recent years Boston has experienced an influx of foreign national workers, who are attracted by gang work in the fields around the area. The councillor said that ignorance and misinformation had given locals a false perception of the new arrivals. "The main problem is the Chinese whispers that go around," she said. "Talk to anyone and they have a friend who knows of a foreigner who was put straight at the top of the housing list, or who got a job before them. They can never quite back it up with any evidence, but the damage is done and the message goes around - it's scaremongering. "And the election displayed the fallout. UKIP got 37.5 per cent of the vote and the BNP beat the Liberals in Boston . It's frightening - we need to address the situation." Sally Gall of Wheeler Close, Boston , was also an eyewitness. The 40-year-old confirmed Coun Bakewell's claims of racist chanting and agreed that foreign national restaurant owners were the target. "I haven't been that scared since I lived in London during the IRA terror attacks," she said. "I came to Lincolnshire to escape this - I can't believe it has happened here." The owner of County Wear in South Street , Richard Cheer, said he was disappointed at the damage to his shop. "The smashed window will cost me about £200, but I refuse to get angry. I refuse to even waste my breath on these people. I'm appalled," he said. Brian Appleyard (29), of West End Road , Wyberton, said he wouldn't be watching future Euro 2004 games in the town after the events of Sunday night. "It makes me ashamed to be English," he said. "We were all disappointed to lose on Sunday night, I was gutted. But it's no excuse for behaviour like this." Eileen Conroy (70), of Priory Road , Boston , said she was disgusted. "It makes me feel scared about walking around on my own," she said. Boston Borough Council will meet on July 1 to discuss the problem of racial tension in the town and look at ways to calm the situation.

Fans rampage in Algarve resort
Tue June 15, 2004 07:21 AM ET

By Clare Lovell

ALBUFEIRA, Portugal (Reuters) - About 200 rioters, many of them English football fans, have clashed with police in southern Portugal .

At least 12 people were arrested and 16 injured in Albufeira on Tuesday, authorities said.

Officers from the GNR paramilitary force, some on horseback, intervened after fighting broke out in an area of bars and clubs frequented by British holidaymakers. The running battles lasted around two hours.

Four of the injured remained in hospital at midday Tuesday, one with a broken hand, said Assuncao Martinez, head of the area's health administration. None of the injuries was serious.

"It started with arguments between football fans who had been drinking a lot, and between fans and bar owners in various points in the area," GNR spokesman Manuel Jorge said.

"At 01.30 ( 1.30 a .m. British time) police felt it necessary to go in force to restore order."

Soccer's European Championship involving 16 national teams is taking place in Portugal this month. Tuesday's unrest was the first serious disturbance.

The GNR reported 12 people had been detained, including several British nationals, a Russian and a Portuguese. The British embassy said 12 Britons had been held but had no information on possible charges.

Eyewitnesses said the troublemakers tried to provoke police.

"An officer was in front of him (an England fan) and he kept on taunting him with the (English) flag," Nuno Andrade, a bar employee, told private TSF radio.

"Right then the flag fell to the ground and some of the English thought that it was the police officer that pulled it down. The chairs started to rain down."


When police reinforcements in riot gear and on horseback moved in to quell the disturbance, rioters pelted them with bottles, chairs and glasses.

"A lot of the rioters were apparently England fans but there were others involved," Jorge said.

UEFA, European soccer's governing body, has warned the English Football Association that their team could be expelled from the competition if their fans cause major trouble.

A UEFA spokesman said no action would be taken against England over the violence in Albufeira which was being regarded as an isolated incident.

England fans have a history of hooliganism. They rioted in Marseille during the World Cup in France in 1998 and clashed with police during Euro 2000 in Belgium and the Netherlands .

Thousands of England supporters, many taking family holidays, have congregated on the Algarve coast, with Albufeira and its bars, cafes and restaurants a popular spot.

The town was quiet at midday on Tuesday with no evidence of the overnight trouble.

Many gathered there to watch England 's defeat by France on Sunday night. The evening passed off peacefully in Portugal although there were disturbances in various English towns.

The area known as "The Strip" where the trouble happened is packed with bars and karaoke clubs, advertising English food and entertainment. Police are used to drunken behaviour along the Strip at holiday time but Tuesday's violence was more serious.

The area also attracts significant numbers of German and Dutch tourists and several cafes are advertising Dutch or German satellite feeds of the match between the two sides on Tuesday.

Authorities consider that match in Porto high risk for crowd trouble because of the keen rivalry between the two countries.


Story from BBC NEWS:
Fans seek calm night in Albufeira

Published: 2004/06/15 19:24:25 GMT

By Duncan Walker
BBC News Online in the

England fans in Albufeira are hoping for a trouble-free night after clashes with Portuguese police in the early hours of Tuesday led to 14 arrests, including 12 Britons.

After a quiet day bars and restaurants slowly began to fill up with good-humoured fans as evening arrived.

Many had spent the day on the beach and were looking forward to watching some football and having a few beers.

Not long after six in the evening the first chants of " England , England " could be heard.

'Quiet day'

"It's been really quiet during the day and we're hoping for things to stay calm tonight," said Carl Glass from Halesowen, in the Midlands .

The 12 Britons arrested are due in court on Wednesday morning.

Portuguese police, who said 400 people were involved in the disturbances, had been keeping a low profile amid claims they had been heavy-handed.

Riot and mounted police had moved in the early hours of the morning, to deal with scuffles involving football fans.

Thursday will be D-Day. It's a five o'clock start, the game is too far away for many fans so they will stay here and drink
Helio Martins, nightclub manager

The trouble took place by a strip of bars and restaurants in the centre of Albufeira.

Helio Martins is manager of the Paradise Club, close to where much of the trouble erupted last night, and said he was confident there would be no repeat of that trouble.

He said he would stay open until 0400 BST as usual.

Helio added he was more worried about the England vs Switzerland game in two days time.

"Thursday will be D-Day. It's a five o'clock start, the game is too far away for many fans so they will stay here and drink, he said.

"Who knows which way it will go."

Darrel Scobie, from Alton , said he wanted to steer clear of potential trouble spots.

"I was disgusted with some of the fans last night," he said.

"This wasn't the kind of place we wanted to bring our girlfriends to."

All-day drinking

Earlier on Tuesday, fans said they feared there fighting could take place as many people has been drinking all through the day on Monday.

One fan, Pete Mander said he believed Portuguese police mishandled the situation, forcing people onto the street by closing bars and then over-reacting when glasses were thrown.

There's lots of families around, and a very friendly atmosphere
John Prosser, with his partner Catherine Craggs

"The police obviously thought they were going to get showered (with glasses) and went in."

At least 10 people were treated at a local hospital for minor injuries.

Ross Woodley, 26, from Southampton , said: "The police needed to be there, but really it was just groups of supporters singing England songs, they misjudged it." A Portuguese police statement said they had acted after fans caused disturbances on public roads and in bars.

It said one officer had received minor injuries and that one Russian and one Portuguese person had also been arrested.

By Tuesday lunchtime the resort was back to normal, with family groups joining the many fans at the cafes and beaches.

It's just a few idiots
David Hemmings

John Prosser and Catherine Craggs from Wolverhampton are on holiday with their 11-month-old son, Samuel.

"There's lots of families around and it's a very friendly atmosphere", said Mr Prosser.

"Whether there's football on or not you're always going to get noise into the night."

Some Albufeira residents were not surprised by what had happened though, suggesting that English visitors cause trouble all too often.

"It's just a few idiots", said David Hemmings, who moved to Portugal five weeks ago.

"It's all families here and there's a really nice atmosphere most of the time."


(Manque URL)

Les supporteurs anglais s'enflamment

 Publié le 16/06 à 11:20

- La police disperse les hooligans -

La police disperse les hooligans

De nouveaux incidents entres des supporteurs anglais et la police se sont déroulés à Albufeira (Algarve), dans le sud.

Trente-deux d'entre eux et un Néerlandais ont été interpellés par les forces de l'ordre après des affrontements qui ont rassemblé 200 hooligans. Un bar a été l'objet de jets de chaises, puis ce sont les bouteilles qui ont volé, des chants racistes étant entonnés. C'est la deuxième bataille rangée en deux jours dans ce petit port de pêche.

"Lorsque les choses ont commencé à devenir plus agressives, il a fallu recourir à la force plus fermement pour maintenir l'ordre", a expliqué le capitaine de la gendarmerie de Faro, Manuel Jorge. Les personnes interpellées devaient être présentées mercredi devant le tribunal d'Albufeira, après avoir passé deux nuits dans un centre de détention provisoire.

Tony Blair, le Premier ministre anglais, a fermement condamné ces agissements devant
la Chambre des Communes: "Soyons clairs, (les incidents) sont complètement intolérables. La police devrait réagir très sévèrement et faire en sorte que ceux qui s'adonnent à de tels débordements fassent l'objet de lourdes sanctions. Je ne pense pas qu'il s'agisse de vrais supporteurs de football anglais. Ils font honte à notre pays et honte à la vaste majorité de supporteurs anglais au comportement correct qui veulent simplement apprécier les matches".

IC Liverpool, 04-06-15

England fans held after fresh riots

Jun 16 2004

At least seven England fans have been arrested following a second night of shame on the Algarve in Portugal .

Mounted officers and riot police with dogs clashed with about 200 bottle throwing-supporters in Albufeira - the site of similar ugly scenes just 24 hours ago.

The trouble again centred on the town's main strip of bars and saw police charging into fans who scattered before regrouping to taunt officers.

The violence was believed to have started after English supporters threw beer at a group of around a dozen Portuguese outside the La Bamba bar - where Monday's disturbance first began.

At least four fans were seen being hit with batons by riot police and handcuffed.

A Portuguese police spokesman confirmed that four arrests had been made and later groups of police were seen to charge forward and arrest three more fans.

The flare-up of violence comes a day after similar scenes wrecked the good image of England fans who had been praised by local police for their behaviour following England 's defeat by France on Sunday.

Witnesses claimed the police were heavy-handed during yesterday's incident in the early hours of the morning and British officials stressed that they regarded the trouble as drunken disorder rather than organised football violence.

But the father of a 10-year-old boy injured in the trouble outside a bar in the town branded the England fans "animals" and called for them to be "thrown out" of the country.

Twelve Britons are due to appear in court after being arrested for public order offences following Monday's disturbance.

IC Croydon, 04-06-16

Night of yob violence

Jun 16 2004

By Ben Ashford

VIOLENCE erupted in Croydon town centre as 400 yobs went on the rampage after England 's last-gasp European Championship defeat at the hands of France .

Trouble flared moments after the final whistle as drunken fans poured out of pubs in Crown Hill and High Street and vented their frustration on a passing tram.

Windscreen wipers were ripped off the vehicle while "kung-fu"- style kicks were aimed at its doors and bodywork, eyewitnesses said.

Police in riot gear were pelted with bottles as they fought to restore order. A spokesperson for the Met said 13 people were arrested following the hour-long disturbance, which left two officers needing hospital treatment for minor injuries.

Police vehicles were also damaged in the melee. Superintendent Nick Jupp, of South Norwood police described the violence as "deplorable".

He said on Monday: "It is totally unacceptable for police officers to be injured as a result of a small minority of people reacting to a football result in this manner.

"We will put together an investigating team to look at all of the incidents in Croydon last night and fully examine the CCTV footage."

Those arrested - aged between 17 and 23 - were held overnight at Croydon police station.

Sunday night scenes were in contrast to those in Lisbon , where the game was played.

Officials there reported no significant incidents after the match, although there were clashes with police in the Algarve on Tuesday night.

Red Issue 04-06-17

Don't you wish you were there too?

Shame really, nice place normally

From Reuters:

Ten Britons and a Russian are being deported from Portugal after riots in the coastal town of Albufiera .

An 11th, Gary Norman Mann, was sentenced to two years in prison for riotous behaviour and inciting a riot, which would be served in Britain .

"I wasn't even there, it's a stitch-up," he yelled after sentence was passed. The 12th Briton and a Portuguese detained by police on Tuesday morning were set free.

The 14, who all denied the charges, were brought to court in handcuffs after being arrested on Tuesday morning when about 200 people ran riot in this popular resort.

Thousands of English soccer fans are in Portugal for the three-week Euro 2004 tournament and Albufeira is the centre for English tourists on the Algarve coast.

The Russian had a broken arm in plaster and all the defendants appeared dazed and grubby after two nights in police cells. One of the Britons had a black eye and cut face, and he told the court he had broken two ribs.

The judge asked each defendant, whose ages ranged from 19 to 46, if they were willing to be deported voluntarily.

He gave them the option of remaining for the outcome of a trial. They said they did not want to be handed over for deportation before hearing the evidence.


The judge heard each defendant's account of events during the night of Monday/Tuesday when glasses, bottles and chairs were thrown at police and riot police charged the crowd.

Most of the proceedings were conducted in Portuguese although the sentences and the judge's opening statement were translated.

About 20 police witnesses were called by the prosecution and they pointed at people in the dock they said they had seen in the area where the riot took place.

The defence called family and friends of the defendants to give evidence. Some of the defendants said they were a long way from the bars where the alleged events took place.

As midnight approached the judge absolved four of the accused Britons and set one of these free.

Seven received suspended sentences of several months and Mann was jailed. The Russian was forbidden to return to Portugal for five years as were some of the Britons.

Thirty four other people, all British except one Dutchman, are expected in court on Thursday after further riots early on Wednesday in Albufeira.

Eight people were injured after hooligans wearing England soccer shirts threw bottles and chairs at police in the same area of Albufeira where fans rioted the previous night.

England fans have a reputation for hooliganism and caused serious trouble in France during the World Cup in 1998 and in Belgium at the last European Championship in 2000.

Bkz Online, 04-06-18

Neue Fan-Ausschreitungen in Südportugal

18.06.2004 17:17

Lissabon (dpa) - Im Badeort Albufeira im Süden Portugals ist es bei der Fußball-Europameisterschaft erneut zu Ausschreitungen englischer Fans gekommen.

Drei Randalierer wurden festgenommen. Die Krawalle in der Touristenhochburg an der Algarve seien allerdings nicht mehr so heftig gewesen wie in den vorigen Nächten, teilte ein Polizeisprecher mit. Nach dem Ende der Fernsehübertragung des Spiels England - Schweiz randalierten englische Hooligans im Kneipenviertel von Albufeira.
Sie bewarfen Polizeibeamte mit Biergläsern.


Portugese riot police seal off the area around a bar after disturbances broke out in Albufeira, Portugal's southern Algarve region, early Saturday morning, June 19, 2004. The Algarve region is popular with British tourists who watch the Euro 2004 soccer tournament matches in bars and restaurants. Several people were arrested in the incident. (AP Photo/Peter Dejong)

Fri Jun 18,10:24 PM ET


Portugese riot police seal off the area around a bar after disturbances broke out in Albufeira , Portugal 's southern Algarve region, early Saturday morning, June 19, 2004 . The Algarve region is popular with British tourists who watch the Euro 2004 soccer tournament matches in bars and restaurants. Several people were arrested in the incident. (AP Photo/Peter Dejong)

Sport, 04-06-22

Ein Toter in Lissabon - wüste Ausschreitungen in Ottakring

Der Sieg von Beckham & Co. fordert in Lissabon ein Menschenleben und in Wien vier verletzte "Kieberer"


Wien/Lissabon - Die EURO 2004 steht unter Schock.

In der Nacht von Montag auf Dienstag wurde ein Britischer Fan bei einem brutalen Raubüberfall im Lissaboner Stadtteil Baixa durch einen Messerstich getötet.

Verwirrung und Trauer

Der 27-jährige Engländer wurde gegen fünf Uhr morgens (MESZ) auf einem Platz in der Innenstadt attackiert und von Passanten ins Krankenhaus gebracht, wo er wenig später für Tod erklärt wurde.

Das Opfer erlitt einen Messerstich mitten ins Herz.

"Alles, was wir bis jetzt mit Bestimmtheit sagen können, ist, dass ein britischer Fan in Lissabon erstochen worden ist", heißt es aus dem britischen Außenministerium in London, das sich über die Identität des Toten vorerst bedeckt hält.

"Ein Mädchen schrie und Polizisten kamen gelaufen, um den fliehenden Täter zu fangen", berichtete ein Augenzeuge. "Es ist schrecklich, dass er tot ist. Ein schreckliches Ende eines fantastischen Abends."

Ein Leben für eine Geldbörse

Erste Vermutungen der Lissaboner Polizei, wonach der mutmaßliche Täter ein Kroate sei, stellten sich in der Folge als falsch heraus. Festgenommen wurde ein Mann aus der Ukraine, der noch am Dienstag einem Gericht vorgeführt werden sollte.

"Das hat nichts mit der Euro 2004 zu tun", bekräftigt der Polizeisprecher gegenüber lokalen Medien. Vielmehr habe der Ukrainer versucht, dem nunmehr toten Briten die Geldbörse zu stehlen.

Die Tat ereignete sich im Anschluss an das Spiel England gegen Kroatien, das die Briten mit 4:2 für sich entscheiden konnten. Kroatien schied demnach als Gruppendritter hinter England aus.

In Ottakring fliegen die Fetzen

Das enttäuschende Abschneiden unseres Nachbarlandes unter der Ägide von Nationaltrainer Otto Baric, hat auch unter den zahlreichen in Österreich lebenden Kroaten zu heftigen Protesten geführt.

Gegen 22:30 Uhr ließen in Wien Ottakring rund 500 aufgebrachte Fans ihren Aggressionen mittels Randalen freien Lauf. Sesselbeine, Flaschen und Knallkörper flogen durch die Lüfte. Ein Großaufgebot an Exekutivbeamten sah sich einer prekären Situation gegenüber.

Festnahmen und Verletzte

Vier Polizisten wurden von der aufgebrachten Menge leicht verletzt, nur zwei der Kroatischen "Radau-Brüder" wurden festgenommen. Der Verkehr in der Ottakringer Straße und den angrenzenden Seitengassen kam vollends zum Erliegen.

Die Situation beruhigte sich erst gegen Mitternacht, als sich die "Fußballfans" nach verrichteter Arbeit wieder davon machten, ebenso schnell wie sie gekommen waren.
Warum? Wohl um zu Hause weiter zu trauern.

Michael Fruhmann

Servihoo, 04-06-22

England fan stabbed to death at Euro 2004
[ 22 Jun 2004 ]

Police monitor rival supporters during the Euro 2004 match between England and Croatia in Lisbon

A 27-year-old England soccer fan died after being stabbed by a Ukrainian pickpocket in central Lisbon after England beat Croatia in the Euro 2004 football championship.

The attacker was originally identified by Portugal 's Lusa news agency as a Croatian fan but a police spokesman later told AFP that he was Ukrainian.

"It has nothing to do with the Euro, as far as we know it was a criminal act. (The attacker) is a suspected pickpocket," national security police official Hipolito Cunha told AFP on Tuesday.

The attack took place after England beat Croatia 4- 2 in Lisbon to win a place in the quarter finals of the European Championships in Portugal .

Police said the Briton had been stabbed in the heart and died of his injuries after being taken to hospital in the Portuguese capital.

The suspected attacker was arrested, a spokeswoman for Lisbon police, Isabelle Canelas, said.

England supporters clashed last week with riot police in the Algarve coastal resort of Albufeira and dozens of British nationals have been deported by the Portuguese authorities.

However officials from European soccer's governing body UEFA have said the violence has been fuelled by over-consumption of alcohol and does not appear to be organised.

The trouble has not approached the levels at the last European championships four years ago when England fans caused widespread damage in riots in Belgium .

English flags cover Lisbon's Rossio square as fans celebrateIn more violence linked to the championships, four Austrian policemen were injured when they clashed with a large crowd of about 500 rioting Croatia fans in Vienna , the APA news agency said in Austria .

The unrest broke out in a western neighbourhood of the city after Croatia were eliminated from the Euro 2004 championship after their defeat by England . Two people were arrested, APA said.


(Manque URL)

Hamburger Abendblatt, 04-06-25

EM-Aus: 150 Randalierer verwüsten die Colonnaden
City: Die Jugendlichen zertrümmerten Schaufenster, Autos, Tische, Stühle und ein Kunstwerk.

Von Sabine Minkwitz

Bild der Verwüstung: An den Colonnaden wurden etliche Außenterrassen zerstört. Der Schaden beträgt mehrere Tausend Euro.

Bild der Verwüstung: An den Colonnaden wurden etliche Außenterrassen zerstört. Der Schaden beträgt mehrere Tausend Euro. Foto: ap

Randale in der Innenstadt: Nach dem Aus für die deutsche Fußball-Nationalmannschaft bei der Europameisterschaft in Portugal kam es, wie berichtet, zu gewalttätigen Ausschreitungen. 150 alkoholisierte Jugendliche zogen durch die City, zerschlugen Schaufensterscheiben sowie Tische und Stühle von Gaststätten, demolierten Autos und Blumenkübel und sogar ein Kunstwerk. Die Polizei, mit rund 100 Beamten im Einsatz, nahm vier Menschen im Alter von 17 bis 20 Jahren vorläufig fest, 23 weitere wurden vorübergehend in Gewahrsam genommen.

Der Frust entlud sich nach dem Ende der Partie Deutschland - Tschechien gegen 22.30 Uhr. Bis dahin hatten rund 4000 Fußballfans friedlich das EM-Match auf einer Großbildleinwand an der Moorweide verfolgt. Doch mit steigendem Alkoholkonsum nahmen die Aggressionen bei den zumeist jungen Zuschauern zu - und die Krawalle nahmen ihren Lauf. "Das waren keine typischen Randalierer, wie wir sie sonst nach Fußballspielen haben. Das waren junge Leute, die nicht mit Alkohol umgehen konnten", sagte Polizeisprecher Ralf Kunz.

Nach dem Abpfiff zogen die frustrierten Fans grölend los, und schon an der Dammtorstraße stiegen die ersten Jugendlichen auf Autos, rissen Außenspiegel ab und Zäune um. Augenzeugen kritisierten den Einsatz der Polizei als mangelhaft. "Gerade mal ein Streifenwagen mit zwei Mann Besatzung fuhr vor der lärmenden Horde her", sagte ein Geschäftsmann. Die Polizei widerspricht den Vorwürfen. "Wir waren auf mögliche Aktionen gut vorbereitet. Unser Problem war, dass sich die Krawallmacher in kleine Grüppchen in der ganzen Stadt verteilt hatten", sagte Kunz.

So besetzte eine Gruppe Randalierer die Straßenkreuzung Theodor-Heuss-Platz/Mittelweg. Ein Journalist, der das Geschehen filmen wollte, wurde durch den Schlag mit einer Fahnenstange am Kopf leicht verletzt. Anschließend zogen die Jugendlichen durch die Colonnaden, und zerstörten, was ihnen in den Weg kam. "Die gesamte Abgrenzung unserer Außenterrasse mit Blumenkübeln und Zaun ist kaputtgetreten worden", sagte Franziskaner-Wirt Peter Hinz. "Der Schaden beträgt mindestens 4000 Euro." Jürgen Barlag vom Restaurant Im Elsaß griff zu seiner Verteidigung sogar zum Baseballschläger. "Die Horde hat meinen Garten zerstört, außerdem gingen zwei Scheiben zu Bruch. Anschließend trampelten sie auf meinem Auto herum", sagte der Wirt. Bevor er zuschlagen konnte, nahmen Zivilfahnder die Krawallmacher fest.

Trauriger Höhepunkt der Verwüstungen: Das Kunstwerk "Hafenbild" von Tilman Binder, das im Rahmen der Aktion KunstCorsoColonnaden auf der Einkaufsstraße ausgestellt ist, wurde zerschlagen. "Die Randalierer haben die 700 Kilo schwere Granitplatte der Skulptur hochgehoben und fallen lassen", sagte Quartiersmanagerin Susanne Timm. "Ich bin entsetzt über solche Zerstörungswut." Das Schlimmste: Das Werk war nicht gegen Vandalismus versichert gewesen., 04-06-24

POL-HH: 040624-2. Alkoholisierte Jugendliche und Heranwachsende randalierten in der Hamburger Innenstadt

24.06.2004 - 09:32  Uhr,

Hamburg (ots) - Zeit: 23.06.2004, ab ca. 22.30 Uhr Ort: Hamburger Innenstadt

Nach Ende des gestrigen Fußballspiels, das ca. 4.000 Zuschauer auf

einer Großbildleinwand auf der Kleinen Moorweide verfolgten, zogen

bis zu 150 alkoholisierte Personen in Kleingruppen durch die City und

beschädigten Schaufensterscheiben, Blumenkübel und zum Parken

abgestellte Fahrzeuge.

Die Hamburger Polizei war auf mögliche Aktionen vorbereitet und

konnte weitere Ausschreitungen schnell unterbinden. Die Beamten

nahmen vier Randalierer im Alter von 17 bis 20 Jahren vorläufig fest,

weitere 23 wurden in Gewahrsam genommen. Ab 02.00 Uhr wurden die

Personen sukzessive wieder entlassen.

Unmittelbar nach Spielende blockierte eine Personengruppe den

Kreuzungsbereich Theodor-Heuss-Platz/Mittelweg. Bei Eintreffen von

Polizeikräften zogen die Fußballanhänger weiter in die Innenstadt und

begingen Sachbeschädigungen. Ein Journalist wurde durch einen Schlag

mit einer Fahnenstange leicht am Kopf verletzt. Um 23.05 Uhr und

23.35 Uhr kam es zu Festnahmen von Tatverdächtigen. Gegen weitere

Personen sprachen die Beamten Platzverweise aus bzw. nahmen

Randalierer in Gewahrsam. Anschließend kam es zu keinen weiteren


Die Höhe der entstandenen Sachschäden ist derzeit nicht bekannt.

Gegen die Festgenommenen leitete die Polizei Strafverfahren wegen des

Verdachts des Landfriedensbruchs sowie Sachbeschädigung ein.


ots-Originaltext: Polizei Hamburg

Digitale Pressemappe:

German fans riot after Euro 2004 exit
Thu 24 June, 2004 07:16

HAMBURG , Germany , June 24 (Reuters) - About 150 disappointed German fans went on the rampage in the northern city of Hamburg after Germany was eliminated from the Euro 2004 soccer tournament late on Wednesday, police said.

A television cameraman was injured and police arrested 23 people after the group moved through the city centre, blocking a street crossing and throwing flower pots and garbage containers.

The fans had been been part of a large crowd watching as Germany lost 2-1 to the Czech Republic on a television screen in the city centre. The result meant Germany was eliminated from the Euro 2004 competition before the quarter-final stage.

10:30 - 25 June 2004

Rioting thugs were faced with baton-wielding police as more trouble flared in Boston last night.

Crowds spilled out on to the streets after England 's Euro 2004 defeat at around 10.30pm .

Then a police officer was attacked outside the Moon Under Water pub, in High Street, after trying to break up a fight between two youths.

The crowd became hostile towards other officers and dozens of people gathered in Market Place. Bottles were thrown at riot police. Officers charged when a group of people began pulling down a road sign.

Several Portuguese fans were assaulted during the night and seven people were arrested on public order and criminal damage charges.

Pat Moore (64), proprietor of the Captain Cod's and Beijing Buffet restaurants, in Market Place, said: "It's stupid, idiotic and childish."

But he praised the police for ensuring last night's events didn't become the full-scale riots seen after France beat England on June 13, in which 35 people were arrested.

"The last time I nearly got hit by a couple of bottles - they were thrown up at my windows. The effect on the business has been tremendous. We have had cancelled bookings - people are scared to come into the square now."

About 40 police officers - double the number on patrol on a Saturday night - were out in force.

French student Coulon Benoet (19), who is visiting from Boston 's twin town Laval, said: "We were astounded by this reaction. It is bizarre."

People in the pubs appeared to be enjoying the game before England 's hopes were dashed in the penalty shoot-out by Portugal .

Alan Dawson (23), of Grove Street , Boston , speaking at half-time, said: "It should just be about football, but the riots after the French game were going to happen."

Several other people in Boston town centre, who did not want to be named, said the riots were unconnected to football but that immigration issues had angered people.

11 quizzed over hooligan pub siege

Jun 25 2004

Staff at a pub run by Portuguese businessmen are clearing up after England fans caused thousands of pounds of damage following Portugal 's win in Lisbon .

More than 100 England supporters besieged the Red Lion pub in Thetford, Norfolk , trapping around 120 people - including children - inside.

Police called in reinforcements from all over Norfolk and it was more than two hours before those inside the pub could be escorted to safety.

A police spokesman said 11 people had been arrested and were being questioned.

A large Portuguese community has grown up in West Norfolk in recent years with large numbers of immigrants finding work in food processing and packing plants, and in fields.

The Red Lion is managed by three Portuguese businessmen and around 80 Portuguese people gathered with around 40 English friends to watch last night's match on a large television screen in the pub.

But within minutes of the game ending in defeat for England , scores of England fans had poured out of a nearby pub and gathered outside the Red Lion.

Hooligans pelted the building with bottles and stones and tried to force their way in but they were held back by a line of police officers.

Several police officers and people inside the pub were said to have suffered cuts from flying glass. Police said one woman constable needed hospital treatment.

Order was restored after more than an hour when scores of police reinforcements - several wearing riot gear and carrying shields - arrived to dispel the crowd and arrest troublemakers.

Shame as mob attacks Portuguese pub

25 Jun, 2004 , 15:02

Police made eleven arrests in Thetford on Thursday night as a mob attacked Portuguese football fans.

Around 300 so-called
England fans beseiged the Red Lion pub in Thetford after England lost to Portugal in a dramatic penalty shootout. Around 100 Portuguese supporters, including young women and children, were trapped inside, some of whom were treated for minor crush injuries and cuts caused by flying glass. Supporters inside had to barricade doors and windows.

Dozens of police were called in to control the near-riot. For most of the evening, the atmosphere in the pub had been friendly, with
England and Portuguese supporters watching the game side by side. The violence apparently started when several youths crashed the party and caused a fight inside the pub. They were ejected, but minutes after the final whistle of the match, the pub had been surrounded.

Six thousand Portuguese nationals are now resident in Thetford and have long been welcome members of the local community. Today questions will be asked about how what should have been a night of good-natured sporting rivalry erupted into such horrifying scenes of violence. The pub's owner is still assessing the level of damage but believes he may be forced to close permanently. Norfolk MP Gillian Shepherd (Con) said of the event: "This was appalling - Thetford will not have a good reputation nationwide this morning."

There were also a number of less serious incidents across the rest of the region. In
Essex , five people arrested in Colchester and Chelmsford for public order offences. Seventeen people were arrested for public disorder offences in Hertfordshire, and eleven were arrested in Bedfordshire. No arrests were made in Suffolk but there were a number of incidents of vandalism and disorderly conduct.

Fri 25 Jun 2004

Dozens arrested after England 's Euro defeat

DOZENS of people were arrested south of the Border as trouble flared after England were knocked out of Euro 2004 on penalties.

A man had his ear cut off in a fight in Liverpool following the dramatic quarter-final match.

The 24-year-old man is recovering in hospital

and two people have been arrested on suspicion of wounding following the incident, police said.

On the Channel Island of Jersey, police used CS gas to disperse a crowd of 1500 England supporters who were taunting Portuguese fans.

And scores of terrified Portuguese supporters - including children - were escorted to safety by police after being besieged inside a pub in Thetford, Norfolk , by a mob for more than two hours.

Missiles, including bottles, were thrown at the pub, which is managed by a group of Portuguese businessmen, following England ’s quarter-final defeat by the host nation last night. Cars were also set on fire nearby.

Eleven people were arrested for public order offences and a number of police officers were injured in the disturbances.

Earlier, around 40 England fans mingled with about 80 Portugal supporters to watch the game on several screens inside The Red Lion pub.

But within minutes of England being defeated on penalties a crowd gathered outside and began hurling missiles and attempting to get in.

At least a dozen police kept the crowd at bay for more than 30 minutes until reinforcements arrived from other parts of Norfolk.

Order was eventually restored shortly after midnight - an hour and a half after the game finished. Many of the pub’s windows were smashed.

Heraldo Viegas, 29, one of the Portuguese businessmen who runs the Red Lion, said: "What is going on? It is only a football match. I cannot believe it. It’s like a bad dream.

"I have been in England for a year. This is not what I thought English people were like.

"As far as we can see, the police just stood outside doing nothing."

Una Holland, 36, who is English, was in the pub with friends. "The worst thing was that there were families with children. One little boy hid behind a freezer. People were shaking. It makes me ashamed to be English."

Jorge Pascoal, 37, an adviser to Portuguese immigrants arriving in Britain , was among those trapped inside the Red Lion with his ten-year-old son.

He said: "I looked out of the window at one point last night and there were about 200 people outside with bottles flying at the building and the police trying to hold them back. It was like the Second World War."

Inspector Mike Brown, of Norfolk Police, said officers in the centre of Thetford had no option but to hold back until reinforcements arrived.

There were also scenes of public disorder across Hertfordshire which led to 17 arrests. Seven others were arrested in Boston , Lincolnshire , with three others facing charges following a fight involving 20 people in Oxford .

Scotland Yard said there were outbreaks of disorder in Croydon in the aftermath of the game, with shop windows being smashed and six people arrested for public order offences.

There were also reports of minor skirmishes between England fans and Portuguese police following the match.

In Lisbon , riot officers briefly formed a line to separate English and Portuguese fans in the central Rossio square when tensions rose after local supporters removed an English flag from a fountain and put up a Portuguese one.

But police reported "no major incidents" involving England fans. Resorts on the Algarve also remained quiet.

A police spokesman there said: "Spirits were very high, there was shouting and a lot of alcohol was drunk, but there was nothing worth making arrests for."

This article:

Scotsman, 04-06-25

AS ENGLAND ’S highly paid footballers came home to face further scrutiny over their failure in yet another major tournament, police south of the Border were counting the cost of another night of rioting.

The most serious disturbances were in the unlikely setting of
St Helier , in Jersey , where riot police used CS gas as England fans went on a rampage, hurling bottles and missiles at hundreds of Portuguese migrants who work on the island during the summer months.

A Jersey Police spokeswoman confirmed that 14 people, including four Portuguese, had been arrested following riots in the early hours of yesterday. She said two arrests were for grave and criminal assault, one for assault on police and three for obstructing police.

The other eight offenders, including a woman, were arrested for breach of the peace. According to police estimates, up to 700
England and Portugal fans were involved in the incident near the island’s Portuguese Club, where hundreds of foreign seasonal workers watched the game.

At the height of the fracas, eight officers in riot gear, police dogs and some of the island’s 60-strong police force were deployed.

Norfolk , at least ten people were arrested and several police were hurt in a disturbance outside a Portuguese-run pub in the town of Thetford . The area has a large number of Portuguese agricultural workers.

Police in
Bristol made 14 football-related arrests, mostly for public order offences, and Thames Valley Police said they were investigating the death of a man in a pub in Banbury, Oxfordshire, after the match.



(Manque URL)

Another night of shame for football yobs

Jun 30 2004

By Ben Ashford

CROYDON suffered a second shameful night of football hooliganism as drunken fans looted shops and clashed with police after England crashed out of Euro 2004.

An estimated 70 yobs went on the rampage after the final whistle of last Thursday's nail-biting quarter-final against Portugal , smashing shop windows and hurling rocks at riot police.

Four police officers were injured and six arrests were made as the mob was driven out of the town centre into South End, where as many as 35 shops and businesses were vandalised.

Eyewitness Manish Nehta, who runs a post office in Brighton Road , said: "They were picking up dustbins and street furniture and throwing them through windows.

"It went on for about 30 to 45 minutes.

"These people were not England fans. They were mindless yobs."

About £15,000-worth of damage was caused to a display of bikes at Geoffrey Butler Cycles and a bicycle was stolen and dumped outside.

Table lamps were stolen from Classical Lighting Limited and lobbed through the windows of neighbouring shops.

Superintendent Nick Jupp, of Croydon police, said the violence was fuelled by "a combination of alcohol and the bad result".

But he said that the majority of the fans who poured out of the town centre bars were well-behaved.

Thursday's violence followed a riot involving 400 yobs in Croydon town centre after England 's last-gasp 2-1 defeat at the hands of France on June 13.

The riot made headlines in newspapers across the world.

Scotsman, 04-06-30

Police Release CCTV Footage of Riot Suspects
By Simon Baker, PA News

Police investigating a violent rampage by up to 400 people following the England football team’s Euro 2004 defeat to France today released CCTV footage of suspects allegedly involved.

Missiles were thrown at police, cars and other vehicles leaving a trail of destruction in Croydon town centre, south
London , on the night of June 13.

Two police officers were taken to hospital with minor injuries following the hour-long incident, which came soon after
England ’s last-gasp loss in their opening group game.

Scotland Yard said 12 people were arrested for violent disorder and other offences during the rampage. They were later released on bail pending further inquiries.

A Football Investigation Team has been set up by police and they have appealed to anyone recognising those pictured in the CCTV footage to call 020 8649 0164 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.

The eight pictures show six different suspects at the scene of the disturbance, a police spokesman said.